At Innovv, we stand for two things: road safety and innovative design and manufacturing to help our customers conduct safe road use. We want every road user to have the knowledge, equipment, and practice to conduct safe road use.
In light of our ethos, we are always looking for ways to partner with other like-minded businesses, individuals and charitable organisations who share our mission and want to encourage safer roads. For this reason, we’re pleased to announce a partnership with iAM RoadSmart!
Who are iAM RoadSmart?
iAM Roadsmart are a registered UK charity formed in 1956. They provide a wide range of courses available to individuals and businesses, including on-road driving assessments and much more. Their mission is to encourage safe road use and make the roads safer for all. Something we can wholeheartedly get behind.
Roadsmart’s aim is to ensure safe and sensible road use is practised by drivers after receiving their license. They are the UK’s largest independent road safety charity and have spent more than 60 years making roads safer by improving driver and rider skills through coaching and education. Their readily available courses are available for all road users and are designed to create more sensible and informed drivers.
They are comprised of a dedicated team of experts, a network of over 82,000 members, and around 180 local groups. Their dedicated team, groups and members champion for safer roads, safer road use and coaching and advice for drivers after they receive their licence.
Innovv recognises the work iAM RoadSmart do and stands firmly with their ethos. We recognise their mission of being a force for good and assisting people with their motoring skills to not only encourage safer road use but also safer, more competent drivers with access to further education, post-license.
Innovv stands with iAM Roadsmart and supports their efforts to make the roads a safer place for all road users. As such, we’ve decided to partner up with iAM RoadSmart and offer their users a deal to make your journeys even safer. As a business dedicated to road safety, we’re excited to get the chance to partner up with charities and organising bodies that share our mission!